Sonia Petkewich

Regional Director of Business Development

“Half of the battle is finding something you would love to do; the other half is to really enjoy doing it!”

Sonia Petkewich has been in recruiting for over a decade, a career she says continues to challenge her, allows her to grow, provides her the opportunities to achieve her goals, and teaches her something new every day.

As a recruiter, Sonia has had the opportunity to become a team member, coach, and mentor to countless people, helping them to achieve their professional goals. 

Many call Sonia a “jack of all trades” as she serves on various boards of associations, including the Association of Information Technology Professionals of Southern Nevada (AITP); religiously participates in a Fantasy Football league (Go Raiders!), loves new adventures with her husband and three children, and still somehow finds time to make it to spin class at 5 a.m.

Over the years, she has found her inspiration in seeing people collaborate to accomplish something for the greater good. She credits her continued passion in her career to being a part of a company where others are passionate about what they do and truly believe in what they speak.

Regardless of the industry, Sonia says she has found that the most successful people are those that go above and beyond without a motive. She looks to emulate this principle in all areas of her life.

Kelley Bengel

Senior Technical Recruiter

Kelley Bengel, after spending 20 years in the Information Technology field, transitioned into a career as a recruiter in 2011, a process that took her over seven months to achieve! 

"The 'stereotype' of IT people is that we are a bit socially awkward, the complete opposite of a recruiter," Kelley says. Being a unique breed of IT, as soon as she was able to show off her personality, she was an immediate addition to the Crescent team!

Kelley has developed a "Rain Man" like process to recruiting that doesn't make sense to most. However, the method to her madness proves to be successful time and time again. As a recruiter, Kelley is able to combine her passion for IT with her love of helping people. Although she will admit every placement is a great feeling, Kelley says there is no greater reward than being able to help someone get back into the workforce, or who is truly having a hard time finding a job. 

Kelley has been deemed the office "jokester," and she drives our foodie habits in the office (she always has the best suggestions!). She loves a good scotch, a great comedy, and is always there to lend a helping hand.

Kelley believes it is all about taking the extra time to truly listen to people makes all the difference in developing long lasting relationships.

Reggie Parks

Technical Recruiter

"Go big or go home!"

Reggie Parks was in an interview at a restaurant with another company, when Sonia Petkewich found him. In overhearing their conversation, she was confident he would make a great recruiter. The rest, as they say, is history!

Joining the Crescent team in January 2014, Reggie brings an extensive background in Sales Development to the team, stating that part of the sales process he most enjoys is establishing relationships. Although new to the IT industry, he is a quick study, attributing his ability to adapt to any situation to being raised with five siblings.

Reggie is our southern gentleman, born and raised in Texas. He prefers to wear his cowboy boots on casual Fridays and isn't afraid of a little line dancing. However, do not be mistaken. He has been known to bust out the lyrics to popular hip hop songs, word for word. He plays professional soccer for the Las Vegas Legends and stays active in his downtime with outdoor activities. 

What attracted Reggie to recruiting was the opportunity to help others enhance their lives by assisting them in securing a job or finding that next step in their career.

Al Lynch

Technical Recruiter

"If it does not challenge you, it does not change you."

Al Lynch previously utilized Crescent Solutions for his staffing needs as a hiring manager. Through various candidate placements; and networking and charity events, he formed friendships with the Crescent Las Vegas team. When looking for a new career opportunity, becoming a recruiter in the field he loves seemed like the perfect fit!

In February 2014, Al joined the Crescent team, bringing 20 years of experience in the Information Technology field. He has held positions, at all levels, in systems administration and engineering, a background proving to be beneficial to his new career path.

Al is also not your stereotypical IT person, bringing an air of sarcasm and humor that fits in perfectly with the team! He prefers Classic Rock and late 60’s to be playing on Pandora (compromising occasionally with Reggie for country); and can be found spending time with his wife and children outside of the office. He coaches his son’s football team, enjoys going off-roading; and loves getting out in the middle of nowhere and camping. He is a Veteran of the United States Army and will also be the first to tell you he is not a fan of gluten free beer!

Al is excited for the opportunity to assist people find a career they love and not just a job that pays the bills, stating, “A majority of people spend more time at work than anywhere else. Therefore, it important to love what you do.”

Danica Speer

Sales Administrator

"The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination."

Danica Speer joined Crescent in the Spring of 2013 and has been providing a helping hand in various aspects of the office operations ever since.

Danica brings a varied background, working in various industries including higher education, entertainment, construction, and now information technology. However, the one thing she has brought to all jobs is her self-proclaimed OCD.

"I just like things to be organized and tidy. Everything should for the most part have its place and make sense. I mean all of my heels are in boxes and labeled, and my closet is color coordinated," she states.

What she loves about working for Crescent Solutions is the ability to directly see where others' lives are impacted in a positive manner and knowing we are helping people get their foot in the door in order to further their career. She also mentions that being able to bring her dog to work every day isn't so bad either!

What she loves most about technology? The ability to FaceTime with her family, especially her 2 year old nephew, back home in Portland, Oregon. Danica can be found in a dance class, hiking; or cooking and baking in her free time. She is currently learning how to survive a zombie apocalypse via The Walking Dead and how to run the United States of America via Scandal.

Danica believes that hard work, determination, and compassion are the three skills each person needs to achieve their goals.

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