Thursday, March 27, 2014

Searching for Your Next Job Opportunity?

“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.” – Alexander Graham Bell

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Whether you are choosing to search for a new job opportunity, or the search is a bit unexpected, preparing for the hunt is imperative! Being prepared during your search will ensure prospective employers are getting an accurate representation of you and your skill set.  The following are some ideas to take into consideration when preparing for a job search.

Resumes are often the first impression an employer gets of your skill set and prior experience. Therefore, your first step in preparing for a job search should be to ensure your resume is up to date and accurate. It is important to understand that this document may need to be tweaked depending on the positions you decide to apply for as you will want your skills and experience to be relevant to the job description.

Formatting should be consistent throughout the resume and it should be checked, and double checked, for spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. Be sure to include accurate contact information as well as include training and other items such as awards, volunteer experience, and certifications that may be relevant. Utilize online resume forums for assistance if need be.

Contact Information
Just like resumes, when a perspective employer is contacting you, it is one of the first impressions you are able to make. First and foremost, your personal email should present a mature and professional image (skaterboy13 may have been a hit in middle school, not so much in the professional world!). Also, check your voicemail on whatever phone number you provide. Is it professional? Do you clearly state your name so prospective employers know they have the correct number? If not, create a new greeting, keeping it simple, concise, and clear.

Cover Letters and Application Questions
Cover letters are a formal announcement that you are applying for a position. These should be tailored to the employer and the specific job. Highlight your skills and experience listed on your resume, however, do not dive into too much detail, as the purpose of the cover letter is to convince the employer to look at your resume in further detail. Like resumes, cover letters should be checked thoroughly for spelling, grammar, and sentence structure.

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Many companies require applicants to answer questions specifically tailored to the position, or the company, in order to gain some insight into the applicant. When applying for a position with application questions, take the time to thoroughly think through your answers. Tailor your answers based off of the job description and the company you are applying to. Spend time researching the company so you are aware of their company mission and culture. Lastly, check for spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. Remember, this too is one of your first moments to make a good impression on the prospective employer.

Plan ahead when compiling a list of references and letters of recommendation. Ensure you have accurate contact information for all references and reach out to them to let them know someone will be calling for a reference. This ensures they are not caught off guard and that they do not ignore the reference call.

Social Media Profiles
Regardless of your opinion on personal privacy, it is important to understand that employers utilize social media on a daily basis to gain additional background information on job candidates. It is estimated that at least 37% of employers use social media sites to look into job candidates lives. Therefore, you want to ensure your personal brand is represented accurately.

Even if a profile is private, potential employers can still see a profile picture. What does your profile picture say about you? Also, what do your posts say about you, your personal habits, and your personal beliefs? Have you criticized previous employers? Take into account your spelling and grammar as these are indicative of your communication skills. You should behave online in the same manner as you would in a public setting.

Last, ensure your professional social network profiles, such as LinkedIn, are up to date in regards to experience, employers, and related skills. You want to ensure your profile is searchable for employers and recruiters alike as these tools are becoming more popular for recruitment purposes.

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Salary and Benefits
Decide ahead of time what you are looking to make and what your bottom line is as well as what sort of benefits you are looking for and whether you have any flexibility with these items.  Having some flexibility can make all the difference in negotiations with what might be the perfect position for you. However, make these decisions prior to being in the middle of negotiations. The last thing you want to do is make too many concessions and end up unhappy within a few months at your new position.

Searching for your next career opportunity can be stressful but it is also exciting. Being prepared for this process will not only relieve some of that stress but it will also assist you in being more successful in the long run. Good luck! 

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