Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Technology Trends for 2014

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We are just over a few months into the New Year and most of us have no idea where the time has gone. With most of our lives in a constant state of “go,” it is difficult to keep up. This same principle applies to the technology industry.

Technology development occurs at such a rapid pace, with new items and groundbreaking technologies released to the market practically every day, that staying up-to-date is a struggle. Remaining ahead of the curve is nearly impossible.

So what technology trends should we be looking out for in the remainder of this year? The following are just some technological trends currently being talked about for 2014.

The Web of Things
Although still considered in the beginning stages of development for the potential impact it can have on the future, we are starting to see this technology integrated into our everyday lives. The principle is that everything we interact with will become a computable entity, allowing our smartphones to connect effortlessly with our homes, cars, and so much more.

Social Networks that are IT Policy Friendly
With the successful launches of IT policy friendly social networks such as Salesforce Chatter, Microsoft Yammer, and SocialCast from VMWare, the corporate landscape is beginning to adapt for the growing millennial population joining the workforce. This shift in enterprise communication and knowledge management applications will rapidly continue as will the growth of these social networks.

Data Privacy
Data privacy has been a topic of conversation for some time now. However, with the revelations of snooping by the NSA, the importance of data privacy is increasing. Many services and businesses are emerging as “data-free,” including Microsoft who has pledged to work on implementing encryption that prevents agencies from collecting personal data.    

Ultra HD 4K will spread to Television and Phones
The filming of both the FIFA World Cup and the Winter Olympics in 4K proved this technology is slowly entering the marketplace. It will completely revolutionize the way videos are viewed, delivering four times the picture resolution of 1080p Full HD (a difference of eight million pixels to two million pixels). It is expected that improved mobile devices that include Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processors will be released by the end of 2014, enabling smartphones and tablets to capture and playback video in Ultra HD resolution. It is predicted that user generated content will lead to an increase in consumer interest in Ultra HD home displays and, in turn, accelerate the pace of the entire Ultra HD movement.

3-D Printing
3-D printing is not only real, but it is a practical solution for reducing costs through improved designs, streamlining prototyping, and short-run manufacturing. The consumer market is well aware of its capabilities and it is expected to grow at least 75 percent this year alone and an additional 200 percent by 2015.

Other technology trends that will be on the forefront of growth this year include no-touch interfaces, wearable technology, online video streaming, and cloud services; making it an exciting time for the technology industry. And although all of these new developments may seem a little overwhelming, they may prove to helpful in managing these crazy schedules a majority of us maintain!

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